There are many traditional thoughts on how to live an environmentally conscious life.  Most people I know already carry reusable water bottles, bring their own bags to the grocery store, and recycle.  I’m here to take you to the next level.  Here are the 5 general principles that I follow to live the GLP:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Reduce: yup, you read that correctly.  I have eliminated recycling from the original three R’s of sustainability. I recently saw a report on recycling and I was astounded!  The majority of the materials that we believe are being recycled are, in fact, not (you can read my post about that here).  So the biggest impact you can have is to reduce what you use in the first place, reuse what you can so it doesn’t end up in the landfill, and then reexamine again how you can reduce your consumption. 
  2. Just say no: say no to receipts, plastic bags, swag bags, party favors and just about anything that you do not need or love. Eliminate the advertisements that come in your mailbox and are hung on your door. Ask yourself if you truly want to participate in wasteful events. If this answer is no, then by golly, say no. This principle goes hand in hand with the 3 R’s. 
  3. Know when to go big: We live in a Costco society today.  You can get just about anything in bulk.  But, take a look at what you actually get when you buy in large quantities.  Often times there is a plethora of packaging along with it. That box of Skinny Pop that you are craving? Well, it contains 32 individually wrapped, non-recyclable bags. That giant tub of spinach artichoke dip you sampled? Think if you really will be able to consume it before it develops a thick layer of mold and ends up in the garbage.  You may be better off buying a small amount of perishable foods.  The ideal situation is to shop bulk bins at your local grocer or health food store so that you can bring your own container to fill with flour, sugar, beans, etc.  You can get the right amount that you need and won’t create packaging waste.
  4. Invoke your inner planner: This may just be the number 1 key to leading a sustainable life. By planning and setting up routines you can make a green lifestyle automatic. You will also only buy what you need. Almost 40% of food in the United States is wasted.  That’s huge!  The easiest way to avoid food waste is to meal plan.  GLP provides weekly meal plans for dinner to help you get started.  The key is to make a plan and stick to it.  That includes breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks.  If you know what you are making and what you have on hand than you will eliminate most food waste.  You also will save a lot of money!  
  5. Let go of the guilt:  Guilt lives in the past.  There is nothing you can do about all the past garbage that you have created.  Make your pledge to do better in the future and move on.  This also goes, though, for mistakes you may make along the way. If you do buy something in bulk and you end up wasting it, let it go.  Your overall impact in making better choices is much greater.

There you have it!  These 5 main principles will guide you along your journey as you work to live a more conscious, sustainable life.

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