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I don’t do caffeine. It just doesn’t sit well with my body. I get jittery and can’t sleep, but I also can’t concentrate. So my husband drinks coffee and I drink non-caffeinated tea. There is just something so relaxing about sipping a hot beverage. You are probably wondering what this has to do with plastic, but there is actually a very strong connection. Many tea bags are now made out of plastic. Let me repeat that – many tea bags are made out of plastic. Remember a few weeks ago when we examined clothing and found that common fabrics are made from plastic? Well, some of the same fabrics, like nylon, are now used to make tea bags. The problem? When they get hot, like they are supposed to when you steep tea, the bag sheds billions of microplastics into your beverage. Eww!

Today’s Challenge: Search for non-plastic tea bag options.

  • Paper: Equal Exchange and Yogi are two reputable companies that use paper, compostable bags.
  • Loose leaf:  Just scoop some loose leaf tea into a reusable tea infuser and let it steep the same as you would with a bag. I like Rishi Tea, which is made in Milwaukee and has tons of loose leaf options. Both tea bags and loose leaf tea/infuser can be brought with you while traveling.
  • Just as with coffee, be sure to bring your own reusable mug on the go. You can request to have it filled with hot water at a café and make your own tea. Another great way to save money!
  • I LOVE my Breville electric tea kettle! I use it with Rishi tangerine ginger loose leaf to make 7 cups at a time. It is great in the winter because the percolator keeps the tea warm and in summer I can transfer to a pitcher and refrigerate to have a nice cold glass of iced tea. So refreshing! 

→ Day 70

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