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Here is one item that is on most people’s guilty pleasure list.  I’m not really sure I should even label it as a guilty pleasure since we all need some way to clean our bums, but believe it or not there are people who use a combination of a bidet, cloth, or their hand instead. This is still common practice in many places around the world. However, toilet paper is a source of plastic pollution.  Most brands are packaged in a plastic film.  I know I sound like a broken record, but these films are really hard to recycle.  So I’m on a mission to eliminate them from my life altogether.  Luckily, I found an easier way to do this.

Today’s Challenge: Find out if non-plastic packaged toilet paper or other toilet alternatives are right for you. Up until recently, the only option for a plastic-free version was 1 or 2-ply, thin, and uncomfortable paper. Now I’m actually excited since I found this company called Who Gives a Crap that delivers toilet paper right to your door. It is packaged in a cardboard box with each roll enveloped in paper. The toilet paper itself is made of either recycled paper or bamboo, depending on your preference, and is actually thick and comfortable. Woohoo! I believe we can be kind to the environment and still enjoy the things we use. Now, I’m going to get a little personal and admit that in response to the toilet paper shortage with the COVID-19 pandemic, my family purchased a bidet attachment for our toilet. We use this one called the Tushy. It is actually kind of fun to use and overall, it has helped us conserve our toilet paper use by a lot. It’s funny how you are sometimes forced into an alternative and find out that in reality it is much better than what you had in the first place!!

Wow! We covered a lot of ground in the bathroom over the past two weeks. Anyone have a favorite swap? If this has been overwhelming, go back and pick out just one or two categories to focus on. You can always come back to work on the others later.

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