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I long ago gave up fabric softeners and dryer sheets due to the chemicals and concerns about the adverse effects on myself and my family. And until recently, I have been using fabric dryer sheets to reduce the static created when drying clothes. These sheets have worked fine, but they will only last a year or two and they are made from polyester (plastic). But, I have now found wool dryer balls and they are so amazing! First of all, they are made 100% from wool so there is no plastic involved. Second, they will basically last you a lifetime, which means big money savings. Finally, they will cut your drying time significantly so that you can save energy. If you are someone who likes a fragrance in your laundry, you can place 3-5 drops of essential oil, like lavender or lemon, onto the balls then let them dry prior to using. You will have fresh scented clothing emerge a short while later. Reduced plastic and waste, no chemicals, shorter dryer time, and cost savings. To me this is a no-brainer swap!

Today’s Challenge: This is one of the easiest plastic-free swaps in the whole 90 day challenge! Check out wool laundry balls and add them to your wish list. I like these by Friendsheep. You will need 6 to 8 for a large load so aim to get that many. Keep them in your dryer and you won’t have to think about disposables again!
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