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If you are going to use cleaning cloths, you have to have a system in place so that they get washed and put back where they belong. And that is what we are going to work on today!
Today’s challenge: Place a bucket or other collecting basket in your laundry room. This bucket will be specifically for cleaning rags. Did your furry friend vomit on the floor? Wipe it up with a rag from your basket, rinse it out and toss it in the laundry bucket. Did you just wipe down your bathroom counter? Toss the rag in the bucket. Was your spouse caught mopping up a spill? Let them know that the rag goes in the laundry bucket. Set a time every week that you will wash the rags. Make it a habit. When the laundry is done, put the cloths back in your rag basket and you are ready to go for more cleaning. I also keep small buckets in each bathroom with a pile of rags and a spray bottle of vinegar solution. I’ve found it works best to swish and swipe my bathroom almost every day to keep it from getting really grimy. The dirty rag goes directly into the basket under the sink and then once a week I empty the bathroom baskets into the laundry room bucket and do a load. It’s all about the system!