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It is illegal to throw away your electronics (e-waste) in about half of the United States. Most electronics these days are chock full of plastic in addition to other materials that need to be disposed of properly, like mercury and lead. Many states and communities have an e-waste collection system. Sometimes you have to pay to recycle large items like old TVs and computers, but there are other places that will collect these items for free. Best Buy has a program and often larger cities will allow you to bring electronics directly to their recycling center.
Today’s challenge: Do a little research and find out what your community offers for electronic recycling. If there are upcoming dates of events, put them on your calendar. Visit Best Buy to see if there is a location near you that accepts electronics. You can also check out earth911 to find locations for all sorts of things that you are not sure can be recycled, including electronics. Write these resources on the recycling list that you have for your curbside pick-up so you can have a future reference.