My Mission
Welcome! I’m Jennifer, creator of Green Life Philosophy (GLP), a blog that provides simple guidance for busy families to integrate healthy living into everyday life. I have many passions, but my top two are healthy eating and the environment and it is no coincidence that adjusting your lifestyle to be kind to your body is also good for the environment – that is the interconnection of all life! I understand that families struggle to balance the busyness of daily living and often have the best intentions to make healthy choices but feel unable to follow through as it is overwhelming. That is where I come in! My mission is to help others make small changes that can have a big impact on their health and the environment. I want to show you that you can do this while also saving time and money, and even enjoy life. And guess what? You do not have to give up all modern-day conveniences to achieve these goals. I have learned a lot over the years by experimenting with gardening, cooking, community supported agriculture and zero waste living. I want to share my secrets with you!
My Story
I have been a registered pharmacist for over 15 years and for the past 4 years I have worked as a Transplant Clinical Pharmacy Specialist. I enjoy helping people manage their medications, but I am also frustrated by the endless cycle of pills and surgery. We use modern medicine to give someone a second chance at life with a new liver, kidney, heart, lung, or pancreas and then too often I see the original disease that led to the transplant return. You can cut down the weed, but if you do not pull the root it will just grow back. In this case, without altering lifestyle habits, the original disease will return. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. I have always been interested in preventative healthcare and wellness and I am a strong believer in food as medicine to empower people to take control of their own well-being. But, eating your way to health is not intuitive to most people. This is especially true when you have grown up eating processed foods and are not connected to where your food comes from. We need to heal that divide. I have stumbled upon some of the answers to this problem and want to share my knowledge with others. For years I have been researching diets and reading countless books from food science writers to discover what it is exactly that makes a healthy diet. The most interesting realization I have had is that you must eat food! I mean real food. Not food shipped halfway around the world. Not food that is sprayed with chemicals. And certainly not food that is made in a laboratory. Cooking your own food from local and seasonal ingredients is the ticket. This is also one of the most important ways to help the environment. I currently have three kids, a husband, a dog, three chickens, and two chinchillas. I do not have a lot of spare time, but it turns out that when I made healthy living a priority and worked out the kinks it became a well-oiled machine. Now I want to share my secrets with you! Once you master this you will be living the Green Life Philosophy.
Get started
Wherever you are in life, jump in and follow along for seasonal cooking tips as well as detailed information about wellness and the environment. You can start by subscribing to the blog. Each week I post a free meal plan which is an exact replica of what my family is eating, and subscribers will get this sent straight to their inbox. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter @GreenLifePhilos, and Instagram.
Jennifer Dedering 🙒 Green Life Philosophy