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Earth Day is almost here! Every year on April 22nd we reflect on all that our Earth provides for us. This is a good time to slow down, take a step back, and find some ways that your family can protect and care for the Earth. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1 – Pick up litter. As the snow melts and the spring winds blow through, the garbage begins to make its appearance. Organize a community clean-up or spend 5, 10, even 30 minutes as a family picking up trash on a walk. Even the little ones can help!

2 – Plant a tree (or a garden)

3 – Do an Earth-friendly craft. I found a couple of ideas here. Or check out NASA’s Earth Day page for other activities. While you are there, take a look at the gorgeous artwork by Jenny Mottar from the 2020 NASA Earth Day 50th Anniversary Poster. Take a picture of your own work and post it to social media with the hashtag #EarthDay

4 – Make a pledge to replace one plastic disposable household item with something reusable or more sustainable. Straws, bags, and water bottles are easy swaps. You can review my plastic challenge here for more ideas. 

5 – Turn off the lights early and have a candlelight dinner, then read books before bed with an LED flashlight.

6 – Learn about a famous conservationist. A few of my favorites are Aldo Leopold, John Muir, and Gaylord Nelson (the founder of Earth Day). All coincidentally have roots in my state of Wisconsin!

7 – Become a citizen scientist for the day. You can help collect real data for scientists in your own community. Visit to find current projects. It could involve bird watching, taking pictures in nature, or some other awesome quest.

8 – Watch a movie or documentary about nature. My family loves the program, Nature, on PBS.  Disney+ has a partnership with National Geographic and also some of their own original films, like Penguins, Dolphin Reef, and Elephant.  Netflix has David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet, which is an excellent documentary from 2020 with Sir Attenborough recounting the changes to our planet during his lifetime (he is 94!).  Or, if fiction is more your thing, check out The Lorax

9 – Eat vegan for the day.  Meat production is one of the largest contributors to green house gases as well as water and soil pollution. Plan ahead so you can avoid meat, dairy, or other animal products for the day. Adapting a vegan diet long term may not seem attainable, but just one day is a great start!

10 – Just be in nature.  Find a quiet place to sit and observe nature and take in the wonder of it all. Rain, shine, cold, warm. Whatever the climate is we can appreciate the beauty of the world.

What are you doing for Earth Day?

Jennifer 🙒

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